Let Your Heart Beat Love

Let Your Heart Beat Love

Six month ago I called a good friend and told her I wasn’t able to make the May trip to Ethiopia, and now I’m sitting here for the second time on an adventure with an amazing team.
Let’s just say praise God.
Being here for the second time and so close together has been…well…
All the children remember who I am and for some reason my Amharic isn’t so rusty 😉

Today we spent the day in Kora at the church and painted two new buildings and spent some quality time with the children. Let’s just say everyone walked out today looking much more like a smurf than when we started. It was great being able to work with the community and see first-hand what it’s like to paint on a building made of corrugated tin. SO HARD! Our team really wrapped around the project to meet the need and beat the rain which may or may not have required a mild rain dance.

After spending some time with the children in the community, we headed for lunch with some interesting taxi rides and made our way back to the guest house. One great thing about this team is that they’re up for anything and we never go anywhere without having a great laugh or great conversation. I truly believe everyone is challenging one another in their faith and just being present with the surroundings. It’s very cool to see and I for one am very proud of this young team for taking so many leaps of faith.

Tonight we decided to stay in and see what kind of cooks we have on the team. I guess tomorrow you will have to see if we are all still breathing!
Thanks for reading, and just remember there are no words to describe this beautiful place and what God has in store for these amazing people. Everyone that is reading this, I hope one day you take a leap of faith and let your heart beat love here in Ethiopia, because here it’s a way of survival and life.

Love always,

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