Day 12: Time Ticking Down

Day 12: Time Ticking Down

I wish this trip would never come to a close. I wish I could just keep wearing my stinky, dirty, unwashed clothes over and over and just stay. To stay in this place where everyone’s eyes have light in them and where I haven’t seen one smile that didn’t melt my heart would be a dream come true. I’m trying to focus on the trip rather  than the end. I’ve learned so much, and these people have filled my heart right over the brim. Going to Korah gets harder and harder each day. It feels like, as time ticks by, that we’re going there to leave, bonding  more each day before we disappear in two short days. On Wednesday (our last day), we’re going to kill and cook five goats for the children of Korah to eat. I’m pretty stressed about it, but I know that the ends justify the means in this situation. I’ll miss the mornings spent at the summer camp, packed into the church with all those smiling faces, singing, playing games, and telling Bible stories with a few extra tons of enthusiasm thrown in to keep them entertained. The bonds and friendships formed on this trip mean the world to me, and the fact that God had this all planned out ahead of time? Mind. Blown.  I can’t believe that in less 5 days I’ll be in school. Maybe I can, but I don’t want to. This trip has changed my life, and it’s not over yet. Please pray that the next two days continue to be packed with adventures and experiences. I know I’ll be back, but until then, this is my last time blogging on the Ethiopia blog. Thanks for reading!


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