The Beginning…by Kayle

The Beginning…by Kayle

Well good morning from Ethiopia everyone!! Well I think its actually about 10pm there but here its about 8am and we are just about to eat some breakfast. Sorry I haven’t checked in earlier but it took us a couple days to get the internet set up. Needless to say, all the flights went about as smoothly as they could have gone and we all made it here safely. Tuesday night, we checked into our amazing guest house. Waking up bright and early on Wednesday we all took some time to go check out the neighborhood and were surrounded by curious children almost as soon as we left our gate. Playing soccer in the streets with the children was so much better then I could have ever imagined! Couple hours later, we went to the Bring Love In offices and were able to meet all the amazing people that keep it running. It was awesome to be able to see how much love they have for the children and the passion they have for Bring Love In. Then we went to the school, where we were able to meet most of the kids we are going to be teaching the rest of this week and some of next week. Basically my heart has been melted. Even in a couple short hours, the team and I were all able to see the incredible capacity for joy radiating from these children. It was unlike anything I have ever experienced before. We did names and introductions, and then proceeded to play some games and just get to know and love the kids. After coming home and then taking some scary taxi rides involving 16 people and 3 americans riding in a “Blue Donkey”, or a short van, we called it a night. Today is our first full day with the kids an I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us today. Amesaygnallo (Thank you) to everyone for your continued prayer and support!

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