Monday, 23 May

Monday, 23 May

One word that stands out in my mind while being here and most likely when I will look back on my time here in Ethiopia would be the word generosity.  Whether it be the staff at Amazing Grace Guest House or the staff at Bright Hope School generosity has never been lacking.  Today especially our team was shown generosity in a few special ways.    Tare, who is our transportation guy, invited us into his home and also supplied our team with lunch.  It was a special time for our team as Tare is not required to do this for us but was generous enough to open up his home and would not let us pay for our dinner but out of the generosity of his heart gave of his own money and supplied us all with lunch.
Then when we returned home that afternoon the staff at Amazing Grace Guest House had set up a special coffee ceremony, prepared wat for dinner for us, and also gave our entire team gifts of wallets for the guys and scarfs for the girls.
Being shown that generosity from everyone has made our entire team feel so special and so loved.  Our Ethiopian friends have definitely set up such a good example of being generous.  Whether that is being generous in our time, generous in our finances, or showing generosity through whatever gifts the Lord has given us.  Our prayer now is that we take what we’ve learned from our relationships here and bring them back with us and incorporate them into our lives and relationships back home.
Romans 12:6-8  We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.  If your gift is prophesying, then phrophesy in accordance with our faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, the give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to how mercy; do it cheerfully.
-Laura Bosma

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