Goodbyes Are Hard To Do…by Jeremy

Goodbyes Are Hard To Do…by Jeremy

Yesterday, at the closing ceremony, we received great words of appreciation, gratitude and encouragement from our friends at Bring Love In, and returned our appreciation for their hospitality, kind help, and relationship through faith in Christ. The children were providing continuous expressions of affirmation, sharing food, giving hugs and kisses, delivering personalized notes, holding hands, and repeating from step one. The mothers were full of grace and patience as their children ran from teacher to teacher as if playing a wild game of tag…

Today, Ethiopian music is echoing across the city through speakers from the neighboring churches, beckoning the locals for their sunrise prayer, roosters are crowing as if they were shouting hallelujah to a new day, the dirt roads and paths are beginning to be consumed by nearby village people, and the small smoke columns from the warming and cooking fires show the town is beginning to stir.

On the first morning, many of these normal sounds seemed foreign to me (us) but they are now peaceful and bring comfort to the blessings of a beautiful new day, a day that will be different from the preceding two weeks. We will still rise, be greeted by the warm smiles of the guesthouse staff, Tesfu and Messi, gather for prayer for the day, and enjoy the delicious food that has been graciously prepared for us. But on this day, rather than joyfully loading the van to travel the bumpy road to Raey Academy, we are packing our belongings for a long flight home, a flight that I’m not sure that I’m ready to take. Not due to the duration of the flight, but rather the relationships that are starting to build amongst our group and the Bring Love In children and staff members, and other locals. Many people and experiences here in Ethiopia have had such an impact on my life, strengthening my relationship with The Lord, seeing His works across the world. I’m not ready to leave, I’m not ready for this trip to end, but I am ready to continue serving The Lord in this way, with children who are in need. Thank you to all who have provided encouragement, support and prayer!

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