August 24

August 24

It’s an unusual day when you kill a goat before breakfast and dance on stage after dinner. This was one of our most eventful days in Ethiopia. The 5 goats we obtained yesterday spent the night at Great Hope Church. Early in the morning we drove to the muddy yard, and with reverence, dispatched them to heaven with a large knife. Breakfast of french toast, oatmeal and pancakes followed for us while the goat meat was prepared. When we returned to the church, the kids not only seemed to have doubled in number but were extremely excited at the prospect of a meal with meat. The boy sitting next to me said he had last eaten meat 2 months prior. Mass chaos ensued while we tried to teach and finally the meal was ready. We served enjira with meat sauce and the kids ate quickly. Any reservation I previously had about tying the goats to the car and subsequently killing them was gone when I saw the urgency with which the children ate. Tearful goodbyes all around after lunch. We drove home in silence wondering if we would ever see our new friends again. We arrived home to a fierce rainstorm. Initially, we huddled inside wishing it would stop; however, we soon realized there was more water and water pressure falling from the sky than our shower could provide. Shoes off, soap out, we headed outside into the storm for the best shower of the entire trip. Feeling cleaner than usual, we put on our best (and least smelly) clothes and headed out to a traditional Ethiopian meal. We shared food around two small tables, ate with our hands, and enjoyed local honey wine. During the meal, traditional Ethiopian music was performed live and we were encouraged to come on stage to dance with the performers. Smiles and laughter all around as we danced with them and enjoyed our last night together in Addis.


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