August 12, 2011

August 12, 2011

We made it the guest home in Addis safely late last night! Surprisingly there were few glitches in our travels. On our first long flight from Seattle to Amsterdam the in flight entertainment system was dysfunctional so we had to settle for watching three small children terrorize the surrounding passengers and flight attendants. They succeeded in grinding more cheese into the aisle carpet than they actually ate, and rang the flight attendent call bell incessantly – all with ear to ear grins and a look of “who me?” each time they were caught in the act. Thankfully, most of us were able to sleep. On the second 10 hour flight from Amsterdam to Addis we were well fed and remained in good spirits. Shortly before landing they offered us small sandwiches that consisted of cheese and ketchup – unusual but tasty. Arrival in Addis was a burst of diversity in the airport. We easily got our money, visas, and luggage. Only one bag out of 11 checked was misplaced. A short van ride to the guest home and soon we were all unpacked and resting. Today we head to Shashamanae for 5 nights where we will help rebuild a school. Mosquito nets and DEET in hand we now set off on our next adventure.

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